Posted by: Roseann Murphy | February 7, 2011

Celebrating St. Valentines Day Year-Round

Around Valentines day children traditionally express their love for classmates and friends through cards and presents. As parents we can take advantage of this ” Hallmark Holiday” to stop for a second and think about the different ways that there are to show love for one another and how we can best teach our children to show their affection for loved ones.

The unique experience of starting a family comes with a myriad of emotions. While it might at first seem unreasonable to begin to show love to your child before they are even born, the simple taks of doing your very best to take care of your body is it’s self an expression of love. Studies continue to point out the major role that a proper diet plays during pregnancy. Maintaing good eating habits and making your child the first priority in your life from the pregnancy stage is the first demonstration of love that the child will experience in their life.

Once the child is born, having a simple communication when it is time to feed, change their diapers and even bathing are another ways to tell the child how much we love them.

Talking to the child in the same way that we talk to another person, with the same tone, using clear, short and logical messages shows our love and respect for them. Each child has his/her own way of learning and processing information in a different way, as parents, this means that each individual child will require different amounts of space and time to reach the different milestones of development. By recognizing these differences and being patient with their unique needs, we are demonstrating to them how to value and appreciate people who are different. This is how we begin to model to our children a positive attitude towards those who are different for them and thus, instill in them love and tolerance when they come across people of all walks of life.

The first person that the child has contact with is their parents. When they interact with the child and with each other, they are teaching the child respect by example. There are many ways to show that respect to a child, one such way is picking them up from school on time, knowing their friends and listening to them without interruption when they have something to say.

Love and respect go hand in hand when it comes to the education of our children. Telling them how much we love them every day is wonderful, writing those feelings in a card or a letter turns those feelings into unforgettable memories. Respecting others is maybe the best way to educate confident, happy, trustful and loving persons.

Post by Magdalena S. Palencia


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